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World Wide Fund for Nature
Rating: 0Description: World Wide Fund for Nature A small but influential group of Europeans-scientists, naturalists, and business and political leaders-rose to the occasion. In September of 1961, they founded World Wildli...
World War II 2
Rating: 5Description: Inl„mnings uppgift i Engelska i†k 9 The second world war 1939 - 1941 HITLER OBTAIN THE POWER After the peace in Versailles 1919, Hitler joined DAP, \"Die Deutsche Arbeiter Partei\". In 1920 t...
World War II 1
Rating: 0Description: The second world war 1939 - 1941 HITLER OBTAIN THE POWER After the peace in Versailles 1919, Hitler joined DAP, \"Die Deutsche Arbeiter Partei\". In 1920 they changed name to NSDAP, National S...
the Solar System
Rating: 0Description: Our Solar System at a Glance Information Summary PMS 010-A (JPL) June 1991 JPL 410-34-1 6/91 (Updated 5/93) NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration Jet Propulsion Laboratory Californ...
The International Space Station
Rating: 0Description: The International Space Station By: ??????????? ??? International space st...
The Green party
Rating: 0Description: The Green party History The Green party was founded in September 1981. One of the reasons was the problems in the environment. 1988 was the first time \"the greens...
the French Revolution 1
Rating: 0Description: The French Revolution Why revolution? The French revolution started in 1789, with Louis XVI as the ruler. There were three Estates...
The European Union
Rating: 0Description: -history-----( -maastricht---------- -european parliament--------- -european union on map---( -European commision -court of justice---( -the presidency -EMU----( -the rights of european citizens in...
the English Civil War
Rating: 0Description: The English Civil War By: Patrik Blomdahl, Nv1B Table of Conte...
the Beatles
Rating: 5Description: Introduction Liverpool, a town famous for its football team and British comedians. During the post-war period the town fell into decay while the country was nostalgi...