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Rating: 0

Description: Sweden Sweden is the largest of the five Nordic countries. It is long and narrow, with a maximum north-south extent of 1,574 km (978 MI) and a maximum east-west extent of 499 km (310 MI). Sweden sha...

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien

Rating: 2

Description: Björn Hammarstedt Senior (highschool) English Literature A+ Tolkien - A Man or A Hobbit? My first contact with Tolkien was some time around age eight. One day, my father b...

Rudyard Kipling

Rating: 0

Description: Rudyard Kipling Born Dec. 30, 1865 Died Jan. 18, 1936 Kipling gained renown throughout the world as a poet and storyteller. He was also known...

Edith Nesbit - The Phoenix and The Carpet 2

Rating: 0

Description: Title: The Phoenix and the Carpet Author: Edith Nesbit Written by: Anna Nottberg Subject: English Septembe...

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien - The Lord of the Rings 2

Rating: 0

Description: Review on The Lord of the Rings, The fellowship of the ring I have read the book \"Lord of the Rings; The Fellowship of the Ring\", written by J.R.R ...

Oscar Wilde - the Picture of Dorian Grey

Rating: 0

Description: The picture of Dorian Grey. The Picture Of Dorian Grey is written by Oscar Wilde, 1854-1900, descents from Ireland and studied at Oxford during the 1870s For those who have...

Atmosfären 1

Rating: 0

Description: NATURKUNSKAP Atmosfären Från första början såg inte atmosfären ut likadan som den gör idag. Den bestod huvudsakligen av giftig...

Atombomben 1

Rating: 0

Description: Det hela började när en idé kläcktes i huvudet på den gamle grekiske filosofen Demokritos. Fyrahundra år före Kristi födelse \"uppfann\" han atomen - från...

Atombomben 2

Rating: 0

Description: Atombomben Innehållsförteckning Vittnen berättar 3 Inledning 4 Atombombens konstruktion Fission 5 Pistolassemblering 6 Implosionsemblering 7 Katalysation av Plutoniumbomb...

Atombomben 3

Rating: 0

Description: So önskekurs - Atombomben Innehåll Atombombens utveckling. Hiroshima och Nagasaki. Egna funderingar/Jämförelser: Atombomben, värre en vanlig krigsföring?, varför bombade man? Atombomb...