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Australia - geography

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Description: Australian geographyAustralia is the biggest island in the world. The land area is 7682300 square kilometres, it's almost four-fifths of the USA:s area. The capital in Australia is Canberra, but the...

Australia - history

Rating: 0

Description: Australian historyThe first European settlers arrived to Australia in 1788. 1788, Australian were inhabited by some people called Aboriginals, they were about 300 000 people. Australia slowly separ...

Australia - sports

Rating: 0

Description: Australian sportsAustralian spends a lot of time to watch or play sports. Swimming is the most popular recreation in the summer. The Australian Children learns to swim before they start school. Als...

Sofokles Antigone

Rating: 0

Description: Sofokles Antigone 1. Historian talar om för oss att Ismene inte vill eller vågar hjälpa sin syster Antigone med att jordfästa deras bror Polyneikes´. Som det fr...

Ett hus ur ett tekniskt perspektiv

Rating: 0

Description: Ett hus. Ett hus bor man i. Ett hus har oftast fyra väggar och står på en grund. Ett hus kan ha flera våningar. Det finns olika typer av hus, höghus eller skyskrapor, kedjehus, radhus, villor,...

Albert Speer

Rating: 1

Description: Albert SpeerHe was the greatest architect in German history and one of Hitler's closest friends. The man I'm talking about is of course Albert Speer. Berthold Konrad Herman Albert ...


Rating: 0

Description: Vattenkraft Porsi vattenkraftverk i Lule älv. Av: Petter Filipsson 9c Allmän...

Kina- Ett land på språng

Rating: 0

Description: Kina - Ett Land På Språng --- Ett projektarbete i historia A --- Innehåll och källförteckning I...

Cause and effect essay

Rating: 0

Description: Between the years 1939 and 1945 a tremendous amount of civilians were killed by soldiers of different nationality and backgrounds, this is also known as ww2. What I'm going to focus on in this essay...

Medeltidalitteratur i sverige

Rating: 0

Description: Meldeltidens litteratur i SverigeI Sverige under medeltiden, var litteraturen fattig och osjälvständig. Det som skrevs var mest religiösa texter både latin och svenska. Även världsliglitteratu...