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Black Sabbath
Rating: 0Description: Contents Page: Chapter: 1. I Introduction 1. II History 4. III The bands ...
Rating: 0Description: Christiania Jonna Nilsson, SO/NO Åsa, 11 January 2001 The story of Christiania is colourf...
Coca Cola
Rating: 0Description: Coca-Cola and its Evolution The history... The Coca-Cola company started out as an insignificant one man business and over the last one hundred and ten years ...
Deep Purple
Rating: 0Description: Deep Purple, along with the well known Led Zeppelin, constituted the idea of Hard Rock. Hits like Black Night, Hush, Child In Time and Smoke On The Water with its terrific riff led Deep Pur...
Rating: 0Description: The development of the European Union When the French foreign minister Robert Schuman and Jean Monnet in 1950 worked out a plan for a more organized cooperation between the European nations, alread...
Rating: 0Description: TunisienInnehållsförteckningInnehållsförteckningInformation om Tunisien, FlaggaBefolkning, Natur och klimat, Utbildning, Huvudstaden Tunis,Tunis forts, Försvar, NäringslivKarthago, HistoriaReger...
Iron Maiden
Rating: 0Description: Iron Maiden The history of Iron Maiden really begins before the band creates, when Steve Harris in the beginning of 1970 gave up he’s soccer dreams and became a bass player.He and he’s friends sta...
Rating: 0Description: Satanism Most religions have names that say something or mean something. Satanism is an exception. Some people feel that any other religion than Christianity is...
Seven key days in the making of Europe
Rating: 0Description: Seven key days in the making of Europe The building of a united Europe is undoubtedly one of the greatest historical undertakings of the 20th century. It is a process grounded ...
Solarpower 1
Rating: 0Description: Introduction The sun, mother of all life The sun is the most important presumption for life on earth. Nothing would be able to live in our world without the sun. No plants, no animals and no human...