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Jimi Hendrix
Rating: 0Description: Gjort i Brännkyrka Gymnasium vt 1995. Hendrix was born in Seattle on november 27th in 1942. His parents divorced in the early fifties, after which Hendrix was brought up by his father, Al. Jimmy w...
Led Zeppelin
Rating: 0Description: Û¥-Led Zeppelin Their story Introduction! In this booklet, I\'m going to tell you about the complete history of the famous rockband Led Zeppelin and why they became so famous. They started in the ...
Margret Thatcher
Rating: 1Description: 1:1 Introduction I want to study Margret Thatcher because she is such an important figure in the modern European political history. I know a little about her but I would like to now much mor...
Walt Disney
Rating: 0Description: Walt Disney’s grandfather, Kepple, was born in Ireland, but in 1834 he and his family sailed over the Atlantic Ocean to the USA. Kepple and his son Elias Disney (Walt’s father) moved to Kansas in ...
Margaret Yorke - Safely to the Grave
Rating: 0Description: Book evaluation & Author facts \"Safely to the Grave\" by Margaret Yorke Evaluation: The book takes place in England. Two women, Laura Burdock and Marion ...
Stephen King - Desperation 1
Rating: 0Description: Engelskarecension I have read \"Desperation\" by Stephen King. It is 547 pages long. \"Desperation\" takes place sometime in the 90´s, in USA. Stephen King has also written , among other books, ...
Atmosfären 1
Rating: 0Description: NATURKUNSKAP Atmosfären Från första början såg inte atmosfären ut likadan som den gör idag. Den bestod huvudsakligen av giftig...
Energi 1
Rating: 0Description: Innehållsförteckning Innehållsförteckning 1 Sveriges energiförsörjning idag 2 Solen som energikälla 2 Solceller 2 Solfångare 3 Förnyelsebara e...
Fusion 1
Rating: 0Description: FUSIONSKRAFT Av Andreas Jonsson NV1H Innehållsförteckning Sid Egna ord 2 Inledning ...
Kraftverk och energi
Rating: 3Description: Kraftverk & energi Skrivet av: Anna Nottberg Ämne: Geografi HT-01 Uppgårdskolan Innehållsfö...